An adjuster and an appraiser are both professionals who play important roles in the insurance industry. However, they have different responsibilities and areas of expertise.

An adjuster is a professional who investigates insurance claims to determine the amount of money that should be paid to the policyholder. Adjusters are typically employed by insurance companies and their primary responsibility is to evaluate the damages, determine the cause of the loss, and negotiate settlements with policyholders and 3rd parties. They also work to ensure that the insurance company is not paying more than it is required to pay under the terms of the policy.

An appraiser, on the other hand, is a professional who evaluates the value of assets such as real estate, jewelry, artwork, and collectibles and/or estimates damages sustained in a loss. Appraisers are typically hired by insurance companies to determine the value of an item that is the subject of an insurance claim. They use their expertise and knowledge of the market to provide an estimate of the value of the item or repair cost, which is then used to determine the amount of money that should be paid in the event of a loss.

In summary, adjusters and appraisers play different but complementary roles in the insurance industry. Adjusters investigate claims and negotiate settlements, while appraisers determine the value of assets and provide estimates of the amount that should be paid in the event of a loss.

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